
February 14, 2024

In breadroll's new version 0.4.0 a lot of new shiny features are introduced, Here are the cool new features

  • Improvements to the Breadroll and the Dataframe API
  • Introduction of a new remote data source
  • Changed filter keywords in favor of symbols over length words
  • A snazzy new way to perform data transformation
  • Introuducing NumericConstants - a collection of mathematical and physical constants
  • breadroll hit 35 🌠 stars on GitHub - help breadroll rise higher, drop a 🌠 star.

API Improvements

The Breadroll & Dataframe APIs got a little face lift, with two major addition to the Breadroll API and a few more others to the Dataframe API;

  • DataframeReadOptions?.parseNumber: boolean - This is an optional property that allows you to opt out of parsing numbers defaults to true, when set to false all values are returned as strings
  • DataframeReadOptions?.supabase: SupabaseClient - This is an optional property takes in the Supabase client created via createClient(..., ...), this property enables method.
  • By default headers (labels) were being converted to lower-case, now headers (labels) maintain case-sensitivity
  • Dataframe.apply({...}: Apply) - This function allows you to perform data transformation on a specified column of the dataframe

New Remote Data Source 🚀 - Supabase

  • string, filepath: string) - This function takes in the bucket name and filepath of the file, downloads the file, parses the files and retuns a Dataframe

Symbol-based Filter Keywords

The use of symbols as keyword ensurces less verbosity; most of the filter keywords have been replaced with symbols; "eqauls" is now "==" see the full changes here

Numeric Constants

In addition to having the ability to perform data transformation using Dataframe.apply({...}), the numeric constant object provides mathematical (math) and physical (physical) constants. These two can be nicely paired to make cool data transformation, most especially with scientific datasets.

These values are double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value, which have ±15 decimal digits of precision. The physical constant are provided in their standard SI units