
Contribution Guide

Contributions are always welcome, no matter how large or small! Here are the general guidelines on how you can get involved in the development of breadroll.


breadroll is very early stage; which means going forward most of these guidelines might change; as the project grows there might be changes to make the development processes more streamlined.

Open development

All development happens directly on GitHub (opens in a new tab). Both core team members and external contributors (via forks) send pull requests which go through the same review process. Feel free to also join the discussion on GitHub (opens in a new tab)

Reporting a bug

If you want to report a bug, please make sure you search issues with the prefix [bug] and the GitHub tag bug, this helps prevent duplicating bug reports and also helps you provide more context to the existing issue and also tracking the progress of the issue.

To create a bug report; create a new issue with prefix [bug] and add the GitHub tag of bug, please then provide the following

  1. Platfrom - OS (including version) / Bun Version
  2. Code Snippet / Link to a REPL
  3. Use cases (optional)

Requesting a feature

If you want to request a feature, please make sure you search issues with the prefix [feature_request] and the GitHub tag feature, this helps prevent duplicating feature requests and helps you in tracking the progress of the issue. Please be sure to provide the following when creating a feature request that isn't present:

  1. Description
  2. Use Cases
  3. Code Snippet (Proposed Implementation)
  4. Indication of breaking changes

Pull requests

To get assigned to feature requests, bug, improvements and more, you need to tag a member of the core team like so; "Hey @core-team-member, I'd like to be assigned to this issue", the tagged core team member will proceed to make their assessments and assign you to the issue, the tagged core team member now becomes your contact person on everything, including being the primary reviewer of your pull request.

Note: When submitting your pull request, we highly recommend that you write test case(s) that accompanies the pull request you are submitting, and assign the appropriate tag(s).

Pre-commit Hooks

For breadroll we utilize Husky (opens in a new tab) to perform various pre-commit processes the likes of; linting, testing, building, testing builds, building docs locally. Before finally pushing code to GitHub.

If that seems like too much, then Husky provides an easy way to skip the pre-commit hooks and commit code, but using the -n flag, read more here (opens in a new tab)

git commit -m "..." -n

Branch management

Every pull request points to the main branch and most be the compatible with the latest stable released version of breadroll. Pull requests that point to the main branch must not have breaking changes, issues with breaking changes will be assessed by the core team and will signify the branch it needs to point to; hence, any code improvement that points to main should be ready for release as a minor version at any point in time.

Before submitting your pull request, please ensure that all test cases are passing locally.