

This function allows you to perform data transformation on a specified column of the dataframe


  • Apply.key: string - this is the column key or label, if unsure of the labels, it can be retrived by running Dataframe.labels
  • Apply.fn: (value: any) => void - this callback function allows to perform whatever transformation you'd like to perform on the value, from as simple as value + 2, to complex mathematical transformations
  • Apply?.inplace: boolean - defaults to true; when set to false assigns the transformation to a new column with the label being the column label with a suffix attached
  • Apply?.newkey: string - when this is provided in tandem with inplace: false, the new column label will be assigned newkey


  • Dataframe<T>
df.apply({ key: "salary", fn: (v) => v / (40 * 4), newkey: "per_hour" });